· Worked in a shop for 9 years
· Opened her own business 3 years ago
· No longer open because she just had a baby and she’s going to school for her cosmetology license
· She still does hair from her home and plans to open up again once she finishes school and her child gets older
Questions for Stephanie:
1. Do you feel being a black owned business makes a difference compared to other businesses in the Chapel Hill area?
2. Have you ever had problems generating business, if so do you think it’s because you’re a black owned business?
3. Was it hard to open a hair business in Chapel Hill and if so do you think race had anything to do with it?
4. Are your customers mostly from Chapel Hill or elsewhere?
5. Do you think your location affects your business?
Questions for Students:
1. Do you think living in Chapel Hill influences where you get your hair done and why?
2. Have you ever heard of Stephanie’s African Hair Braiding?
3. Where do you get your hair done and why?
4. Was it hard finding places to get your hair done during your time here at Carolina?
5. Do you think it would be hard to open a business in Chapel Hill that caters to black people’s hair? Why or why not?
6. Would you ever go to a hair shop in Chapel Hill that caters to whites? Why or why not?
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